Free «The Future of Nursing» Essay Sample

Nursing is considered to be among the most versatile profession within the medical care profession. Since health care has advanced over the years, nursing profession has reinvented itself several times. Today, the role of nurses in medical institutions has continued to change. Patients now demand to have a more convenient health care which is more centered on their personal needs (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee, 2011). In the modern medical profession, nurses have been mandated to practice to their full extent in reference to their education and training.

There are various factors, which have caused changes in the role of nurses. The principal factors causing the changes are elevated levels of chronic conditions, and the increasing insured population. There is also increased demand for health care by racial and minority groupings. The changing eating habits and other emerging social trends are key contributors to the development of chronic conditions. Terminal illnesses demand closer and more centered medical assistance than other forms of illnesses.

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Today, minority population groupings who have in the past faced obstacles in attaining health care are now seeking better health care services. They are demanding to have care services that are tailored to a culturally diverse population. These needs elevate the demand for nurses who can serve the changing wants and preferences by patients. Given that the aging population is continuing to grow, the role of nurses will fully change in order to offer long term palliative care to them.

Nurses should be offered higher levels of training and education in medical learning institutions to enable them adapt to the changing roles. More diverse skills should be added to the traditional medical education offered to nurses. Governments should facilitate an improved medical education system which will promote a seamless performance in the medical profession. The health reform act has made a positive impact to the changing roles of nurses. The bill mandates the allocation of finances for general nursing education, and also for advanced medical practice (Stokowski, 2010). Improved medical training services for the nurses are paramount in aiding them adapt to their changing roles.

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