Free «Social Welfare System of Vietnam» Essay Sample


The Vietnam social welfare system is a docket that is made up of policies as well as programs implemented by the state. The system is also utilized by the social as well as the individual partners with the agenda of ensuring that the lives of Vietnam citizens as well as the society as a whole are improved. Therefore, looking at the agenda behind the social welfare system, it is very crucial for the development of the nation. This system ensures that the social rights of the Vietnamese citizens are maintained, and it contributes towards that mission. This essay will discuss the social welfare system in Vietnam analyzing the possible changes so as to ensure that the system is improved.


Overcoming the difficulties that people face in the country as well as the challenges that they encounter is very important so as to ensure that their quality of life is boosted. These challenges include factors like the misunderstood notion of the hostile forces. The work of the social welfare system when deployed perfectly is to ensure that it becomes the guiding light of human rights to the Vietnamese people. Before the unification of the northern and southern Vietnamese nations, the health services had not developed in the southern rural areas. On the other hand, the health services had flourished in the northern part. However, once there was a unification of the two nations, the northern part influenced the health system of the southern hence ensuring that the health facilities in that area increased in general (Holliday, 2000).

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Looking at the social welfare system of the Vietnamese country, specifically the health systems, we find that establishing the health system is among the highest achievements of the state that benefit the citizens of the country. However, it does not mean that it has been affected by different problems that appeared during its development. Moreover, analyzing the concept of social welfare systems, it can be found that there is the agenda of poverty reduction in the country (Myles and Quadagno, 2002). This agenda is very crucial in ensuring that the social welfare system is successful in the Vietnam nation. The government assists people by giving those loans as well as educating on how to conduct business. The funding of such programs comes from the people who donate money and the government itself (Oanh, 2002).

Since 2003, the country’s budget showed that 51% of its total expenditure was on the Vietnamese social welfare system (Wood, 2006). The state had invested close to 700 trillion into different projects aimed at enhancing social welfare of the Vietnamese people. The projects were related to the transportation as well as irrigations schemes and the health and education sectors among others (Wood, 2006). The people in the rural areas receive funds totaling to billions dollars from the government annually as well as rights to manage the forest lands so as to ensure that they can be able to help themselves through activities like farming among others.

The social welfare system that functions at the moment in Vietnam needs to be improved in different ways to make it effective and efficient in improving the quality of people’s life. Some of the ways in which the social welfare could be improved is through the increase of varied products that are in the insurance sector of the country (Myles and Quadagno, 2002). Due to this, the number of people that resort to different insurance covers has been on the rise. This in turn shows that the people should be educated on the importance of the insurance covers so as to ensure that they get them. The fact that the state has made the social insurance compulsory attracted 20% of the labor class as well as 70% of the objects that are related to the labor class. This has subsequently led to the considerable reduction of poverty in the country (Wood, 2006).

Another way of ensuring that the people of Vietnam are given the proper social welfare is ensuring that many people enjoy the basic social services. During the year 2012, the poorest individuals in the country got access to the electricity grids. A total of 85% of the rural population got access to fresh water to cook as well as drink (Roelen, 2010). All the communities had roads that they could use and above 50% of the people had irrigation scheme that they could use. All these things depended on the funds that the country has invested in the development. Therefore, it becomes clear that if the government funds are used properly, the social welfare system of the country will be improved (Roelen, 2010).

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The social welfare system of Vietnam has been at the fore front to ensure that the rate of poverty in the country is reduced and the lifestyle of the citizens is made better. The health sector has seen a lot of improvement since the unification of the two regions of the country. The insurance part of the social welfare is also doing very well as a lot of people are being encouraged to take up insurance covers. However, there are improvements that need to be made in the country’s social welfare system; some of them include the proper planning of funds as well as the division of these funds among the different sectors of the country’s social welfare agenda.

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