Free «Morality, Virtues, and Social Ethics» Essay Sample

Morality is a complex of intentions, actions and decisions that are responsible for what is good and what is bad. Morality assists in answering the question on what is right and what is wrong when people think about their doings, analyzing what actions are kind and what are unkind. Every person has his/her own moral principles, which drive them to do certain things and behave in a certain way. These principles indicate whether or not an individual should be responsible for concrete actions. Sympathy, courage, fidelity, fairness, generosity, self-possession, prudence, etc are the traits of such a concept as virtue. Virtue is an attitude, position or character features that are considered morally good in an individual. A social ethics study implies the moral norms of ethical relationship and responsibilities that define the human’s life in society. Social ethics involves social and cultural norms that vary in different parts of our world. Religion plays a significant role in the life of a society, but morality and virtues are the components of a social ethics that are no less impotent.

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Large-scale and widespread changes in values have been studied in a whole world and at different times. Values have changed in the past years in international, technological and domestic spheres. In the last few decades, people have become less religious, and less politically engaged. Values that are related to such social issues as rights of the homosexuals, racial matters, single parenting and attitude towards immigrants have also deeply changed in the past twenty years. People feel less negative now towards homosexuals, colored people and newcomers than tens of years ago. More than a half of young people support the gay and lesbian marriages and think that one parent can bring up the child in an incomplete family (“Partisan Polarization” 2012).

Ethical values differ from values of other types in that the first ones are based on ethics. Ethics is a code of conduct, the rules and guidelines for a society in whole or a person in particular. Values are the rules that help people make decision about what is right and wrong, what should or should not be done, what is good and bad. Values can be personal and cultural. Personal values respond to the questions about what is beneficial, important, useful, desirable, positive, and constructive for a concrete person. They answer the question about why people do certain things, what exactly they do and what is the way people do it. Personal values are related to cultural values. Cultural values relate to the norms of culture and have a more global and abstract character. These norms provide rules for behavior in definite situations, when values identify what ought to be judged as good or bad.

”Value” as a noun means a high degree of importance of something, but in our case it means principles or standards of behavior of a person. It also means a person’s judgment of what is important or right. When “value” is used as a verb, it means to consider something or someone to be rather important and appreciate it/them. The difference between these two words is that “value” as a noun is more related to morality while “value” as a verb is more concentrated on the practical part of the meaning.

Essential organizational benefits are the result of adoption and application of a good corporate management and ethical leadership. Businesses should consider concept of ethics and morality in order to avoid serious risks and losses by acting honestly, with humanity, compassion, proper objectivity and everything that involves morality. Corporate ethics is the crucial foundation in reaching these goals because it serves as a framework for the corporation’s leadership.

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