Free «Reflective Essay: Club Australia» Essay Sample

The Quality of the Piece

The piece presented by Club Australia has utilized various components of public communication to appeal not only to the parliamentary committee but also to the entire public on the need to maintain the clubs culture in the country. The article has positively used Aristotle’s appeals to convince the audience to back the retaining of the club culture, with reference to the benefit it has to the community as compared to the negatives suggested by the opposing parties. In this vein, the piece utilizes ethos as an appeal, whereby the fact that the submission is written by the Club Australia, makes it worth being listened to by the public. It is evident that Club Australia has a great percentage of the population as club members, an aspect that guarantees their influence among the public (Parliament Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform, 2011). According to ethos, individuals believe in those people that they respect (Gross & Walzer, 2000, p. 194). In this case, Club Australia attracts public attention due to the respect they have among the members of the public, escalating from the activities they have towards ensuring community development.

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On the other hand, the piece has also utilized pathos as an appeal to the audience on withholding the Gambling reform. Pathos involves the piece’s appeal to the emotions of the audience (Ramage & Bean, 1998, p. 81). In this case, the piece has effectively stressed on the various benefits that Club Australia has brought into the community ranging from providing sporting infrastructure, to establishing health facilities. On the other hand, it reminds the public of the government’s ignorance of their problems and efforts to eradicate any sources of solutions to these problems. This is meant to raise concern among the audience on the government’s role in solving community problems. In addition, the piece has also applied Logos as an appeal to the public, whereby it has outlined the benefits of Club Australia to both social and economic status of the community, and how this could be reversed if the reforms are to be given a go-ahead.

The piece is highly persuasive considering it has focused on Club’s role in helping the community meet its basic and secondary needs. According to Maslow, the human needs have to be satisfied in order, such that the secondary needs can only be satisfied after the basic needs have been met. As such, in order for the piece to persuade the audience against the gambling reforms, they focused on the basic needs of the public that are being met by the club including creating employment, providing resources to charities and local groups, and mobilizing volunteers in order to provide for the community services and goods that are affordable. The secondary need for socialization is also met through providing a venue for sporting events, and other community events.

The piece also includes intense research including statistics on the membership of Club Australia and the figures of financial contributions that the club activities make towards the economy. Research is directly related to their day-to-day experience of the study group and it is thus an important tool in professional communication as it shapes the policy of the public (Stacks & Salwen, 2009, p. 542). In this case, the research was important in emphasizing the significance of the club to the society.

The authors of the piece also applied concise writing as a technique of stressing on the main points of interest. It is important to note that the statements used in concise writing have to be self-contained and complete, such that they successfully pass on their intended message in a brief but clear manner (Tyagi & Misra, 2011, p. 98). The text includes short sentences at the beginning of each subtopic, which summarize the entire subtopic. For instance, the authors start with the sentence “Clubs make a significant contribution to the Australian economy”. This summarizes what is later explained in the following paragraphs. The authors also give brief explanations to every contribution that these clubs make to the societal wellbeing, without going into much detail, but passing the correct message across. The authors maintain a positive tone in the piece by highlighting all the positives of Club Australia, with aims of promoting public support for the club. There is also application of courteous language, where the words have been chosen carefully to address the concerns of Club Australia, and to appreciate the government’s efforts in curbing problem-gambling (Koneru, 2008, p. 68). All these appeals to the public are aimed at calling-to-action the audience, in support of Club Australia for the good of the community.

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Public Value

The piece of writing presented by Club Australia has a high regard of public value. Public value involves adding value to the community well-being in terms of promoting community involvement, flexibility, enterprise and innovation (Benington & Moore, 2011; Moore, 1995, p. 98). In any case, it is evident that the activities carried out by the clubs in the country are of great benefit to the community. It is through positive embracement of gambling and sporting that the various values that hold together the society have been upheld. The clubs add value to the lives of the community members through creation of employment and facilitating public activities that promote the well-being of the low social class members of the community through charities and aids. The clubs add value to the government efforts to combat problem gambling by creating a channel for positive gambling as a sport.

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