Free «Transition Plan» Essay Sample

Transition plan is the duration of time that the program, scheme or a way worked out to accomplish objective changes from one stage to another. The behavior of an adult and the ways of bringing a child dictates the future life of the child. The educational background of a person is a key pillar to a successful life. Due to the changing times, people are adapting the new ways of involving other parties in the lives of students to give them the support they need because they hardly make a better choice in life (Dahir 103). Educational development intervention is crucial for life of students because it drives them towards making the future brighter for them.

The following educational transition can change the lives of people for better: from home to elementary school, from middle education to high education, from post-secondary education and to the career options. The development plan has to summarize development objectives for the student. The development plan has to concentrate on the student’s personal needs, skills, strengths and interests. Transition planning identifies and advances goals that need accomplishment. For a student to make a better option, he/she needs to be guided on what is best for him/her according to his/her interests and potential.

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During the transition from home to elementary school, the obligation of parents is to make sure that the kid at the tender age is provided with the right information of counseling about the essence of education. The child needs to know in a language that he/she can understand why he/she must be introduced to education. It gives the child a positive mind set on what he/she is going to encounter at elementary school life. In the process, the parents have an obligation to ask the child what he/she wants to become in the future. It helps the child to start building and cultivating his/her interests at the very tender age of his/her growth. The kid ought to be prepared psychologically by changing the activities he/she undertakes to the ones geared towards the achievement of goals in the future. The child ought to be guided to neglect the plays and games that may affect his/her education in the elementary school. The parents find some way of making the child loose interest of the activities that do not contribute positively towards attainment of the purpose at school.

The necessary items required in the elementary schooling ought to be provided to the child early adequate to make him/her set his/her mind in good time to encounter the new atmosphere. Since the new environment will have unfamiliar conditions, the child ought to be told stories about the area so that it might not catch him/her by surprise (Dahir 103). If possible, a pre-visit can be organized for the child. During the visit, the child should be shown the interesting activities in the school for him/her to build interest. Apart from the material things, the child needs as resources, he/she also needs the resource of information on the whereabouts of the school. The parents themselves play as the crucial resource at that stage for the child because parents is the only support available for the child.

The first experience for the child at school should be taken seriously. It may determine the rest of his life in school. The teacher involved should provide the maximum support to the new student at elementary school. He ought to be friendly to the student and provide counseling on the benefits of school life. The information given, when integrated with the counseling from the parents, will form the firm foundation for the child. The child ought to be given advice on how to relate to other students in the school. Occasional visits and talks between the teacher and the parents must be encouraged to check on the progress of the child.

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From elementary to the middle school, a student is used to school life but the experiences in the elementary school are quite different as compared to the middle school’s experiences. Before the pupil transfers to the subsequent level, he/she has to qualify academically. The qualifications set by teachers to students ought to be met. It will ensure that the child will have grown enough to assimilate the training in a higher level. Proper assessment must be done to the scholar to notify his/her weaknesses and strengths in subjects. The parents and tutors should join efforts and ensure that the kid acquires the best in education, according to his/her ability. The weakness of the learner should be notified during the development period. It will help the tutor to have the knowledge on where to put more emphasis in the next class. Revision on the goals of the learner ought to be made and see whether there are variations to the original (Curry 2009). The free will of the pupil should be provided for him/her to choose what to venture in life, but the parents and teachers should always interrogate the child and give guidance on the way to follow. Enough facilities critical in training must be provided to the apprentice before he/she joins the school to avoid external pressure on his/her academic life.

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The apprentice ought to be given the best counseling on the way to behave in the middle school. In the middle school, a counseling instructor should be given to a group of new students and will be questionable on the behavioral change of apprentices. The tutor should follow up the conduct of young learners, link with the parents, monitor and make corrections where applicable. The administrators should ensure that new students are taken through the school rules and regulations before they interact with other learners in school. The directing and counseling teachers should take that responsibility and get into contact with their group and explain clearly the given rules and regulations. The teacher should go further and highlight on the timings of the direction and counseling classes and the essence of the lesson.

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