Free «Marijuana Legalization – Repurposing Assignment» Essay Sample
  1. What is the issue you are planning to argue about? And, why is your argument about this issue timely?

I would like to argue against marijuana legalization. Marijuana is a drug that comes from a plant. It is a very dangerous drug that causes addiction and mental disorders to the users and abusers. In addition, the use of marijuana has caused an increment in crime, since marijuana users are unable to reason clearly. They can do anything to get the drug, and they do not want to work for a living. As a consequence, marihuana addicts rob houses and steal from people as well as commit other crimes to purchase the drug (Hoeffel 45). There are people who claim that marijuana has medicinal properties and should be legalized. Similarly, proponents of the legalization point out that marijuana comes from plants just like tea and coffee. Therefore, they believe that marijuana should be legalized in all parts of the world. However, legalization of marijuana would cause more harm than good. Considering the negative consequences of marijuana on the community when it is illegal, it would be even more dangerous to legalize a drug, as it will be available to every member of the society. Most people are likely to be convinced that legalization of marijuana does not bear problems. Moreover, campaign against legalization of marijuana is important in the communities today to counteract the claims of several groups, individuals and organization, who undermine the investment and are campaigning for the legalization. It is important to educate the public and other stakeholders on the dangers of marijuana legalization.

  1. Who is your target audience?

There are different stakeholders who are concerned with legalization of marijuana. Firstly, the International Authority for the Campaign against Drug Abuse should learn the dangers of marijuana legalization. The agency has the power to influence governments to avoid legalizing marijuana. Secondly, government officials should be educated on the potential threats of the legalization. The government is the policy maker and makes the decision about the official legalization or ban of marijuana. Informing the politicians on the pros and cons of the issue will allow the officials to make the right decision.

  1. What is your main claim?

Legalization of marijuana is harmful, dangerous and morally unacceptable. Marijuana is a dangerous drug that has caused harm to the users and the community at large. Therefore, it will be too dangerous to legalize the drug. In case marijuana is legalized, more people will have access to it without fearing the authority and may become addicts (Randall 1515). Moreover, the drug affects the mental status of the user (Wayne 38). There will be an increase in mental disorders, crime percentage and insecurity in the world if marijuana is legalized.

  1. How will you present your main claim?

I will present my claim of the argument against legalization of marijuana as an essay. I will write a comprehensive argumentative essay on the dangers and problems associated with legalization of marijuana. In the essay, I will give recommendations on what should be done to avoid negative consequences of the action in the world.

  1. What are your reasons for choosing this mode of presentation?

Essay is one of the best ways of presenting a serious argument because it can be read by many people in different parts of the world. In fact, an essay can be posted as an online article, a newspaper and magazine remark, and can also be circulated in different organizations as leaflets. Therefore, the message will be received by the targeted audience in various parts of the world.

  1. What tools do you anticipate needing in order to present your argument?

In order to complete the argument, I will have to use my research skills to evaluate journals, online articles and books. I will also gather information from experienced professional in medical and security offices.

  1. What assistance will you need in making this project a success?

I will require guidance and support from my supervisor so that I can write the argument as required. In addition, I will need help from medical practitioners and security officials.

  1. How long do you anticipate your repurposing assignment will take you? What kind of timeline will you establish for yourself, given the limited time we have?

I expect to finish the repurposing assignment within two weeks. Considering the limited time frame available, I will use weekends and evenings to work on the paper. I will also prefer calling the respondents on the phone instead of visiting them face to face as such strategy will save time.

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