Free «Reflection Paper» Essay Sample


The two topics that will be addressed in this essay are lust of the flesh and love. They are discussed extensively in the course and form a significant ground for discussion in line with theology, the Bible, and practical application. Lust of the flesh refers to people’s association with worldly pleasures at the expense of God’s teachings. Some of these pleasures may include sex and excessive consumption of alcohol. With regard to the concept of love, individuals are supposed to love God with all their heart and love their neighbors unconditionally. However, a person can only be said to love God in instances where he/she loves his/her neighbor. This means that love must start among individuals before declaring it to God.

This essay reflects on the topics of lust of the flesh and love describing their theological definition, biblical foundation, and practical application.

Lust of the Flesh

Theological Definition

Lust of the flesh is theologically defined as a person’s submission to the desires of the body without adhering to God’s commands. In line with theological understanding, lust of the flesh emanates from the internal pressures that make individuals sin by doing what their body commands them to do instead of sticking to the teachings of God. This means that the body is weak and can easily lead individuals into practices that are religiously unacceptable because of their sinful nature. Therefore, lust of the flesh is mainly concerned with an individual’s weakness and ultimate submission to the desires of the body that lead to the commission of sins.

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Biblical Foundation

The biblical foundation of lust of the flesh is 1 John 2:16. It is worth noting that this biblical verse discusses the view that lust of the flesh comes from the world and not from God. This implies that there are massive influences in the world that make individuals indulge in sinful acts. The clarification given by this chapter is that people must try to avoid lust of the flesh because it does not come from the Father. The overall conclusion drawn from this is that people must stop succumbing to everything that the world has to offer. They should always adhere to what is commanded by God.

Practical Application

This applies to my life directly as a student since I interact with others in my different activities. It is obvious that people will have different views and will want me to follow them. For instance, some people might advise me to indulge in excessive alcohol consumption while others might convince me to engage in other sinful pleasures. Yielding to their influence will mean that I have submitted to what the world and my body want hence committing a sin.


Theological Definition

Love is theologically defined as the ability of an individual to give out his/her heart, soul, and mind to God. In addition, it involves caring for our neighbors as we care about ourselves. This means that individuals cannot claim to love God without loving their neighbors. It is vital to attend to neighbors who might be in need. People must start by caring for their neighbors and supporting them at all times. The love for God is seen in the actions of individuals to take responsibility and provide for their neighbors as they would want for themselves.

Biblical Foundation

The doctrine of love is founded on Matthew 22:37. This is based on the teaching of Jesus where He emphasized that love is one of the greatest commandments that individuals should observe. However, the Bible reiterates the view that love is only recognized in instances where it is unconditional. This means that there should be no limitations in the course of loving our neighbors and God. According to the Bible, love should come deeply from one’s heart and should be a voluntary practice that comes with compassion and selflessness in the delivery of services to others in the society.

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Practical Application

I must admit that the doctrine of love applies to me directly as a student. Again, I live with other people and I communicate with many individuals on a daily basis. I have to understand the idea that a neighbor is anybody who needs my help, and not necessarily individuals living near my apartment. Therefore, I can illustrate my love by helping anyone whom I meet. It also implies that I should not put any boundaries to my love for friends and other people in need. This will be instrumental in boosting my love for God and appreciation of the eternal nature of this love.


In conclusion, the doctrines of love and lust of the flesh are vital in a Christian’s life. They are essential in the sense that they apply directly to the life of every individual. In fact, they are thoroughly discussed in the Bible, and God requires people to follow them in all days of their existence. For instance, the doctrine of lust of the flesh requires individuals to focus on what is provided by God and not the world. The world is likely to misguide them and lead to the commission of sins. The doctrine of love requires demonstration of unconditional care and support to one’s neighbors before declaring the same love for God. Both of these doctrines apply to me as a student in the course of my daily interactions with others.

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