Free «Cross Gender» Essay Sample

It is now generally accepted that on the verge of explosion of technological progress and peaceful social revolution that is called the information society, modern information and telecommunicative technologies significantly changed not only the way how humans produce their products, but also how they spend their free time, realize their civil rights and educate children. Thus, mass media is identified as the most powerful transfer of information that crosses not only geographical borders, but also limits of classes, races, cultures and education by updating certain views and ways of thinking as a regular product of activity. In this case, mass media is not a window on the world, since they creates the reality that could be generally accepted in the society.

Moreover, mass media creates in recipient’s mind the image of men and women. Undoubtedly, the messages about men and women in media dramatically influence human perception due to their anti-social nature. For example, in mass media women are described as sexual objects who have an attractive and sexual appearance; as mothers who perform their household and matrimonial duties; as victims that suffer from harassment, sexual abuse, and beating (Frankson, 2000). However, in postpatriarchal society, mass media totally brainwashes men’s mind and influences them to think that their supremacy over women is advantageous. Furthermore, in the mass media world, men are shown as strong and intelligent people who always reach high positions in the career ladder (Johnson, 2004). However, in mass media one can find out that men also suffer from sexism. For example, man who shows his emotions is identified as mother’s darlings and weak. Indisputably, mass media highly discriminates the masculine world. In this case, men can suffer from serious psychological disorders, such as nervous breakdowns and derangement, since men are prohibited to express their true nature and emotions. Unfortunately, these psychological disorders based on gender discrimination can lead to suicide and death of the person.

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All in all, mass media highly influences human way of thinking by updating certain ideas that about surrounding. In this case, the recipients should not lose sight of the fact that journalists employ different psycholinguistic tools of manipulation in order to spread someone’s ideology, to create gender discrimination, and to control recipients’ mind totally. Thus, in the 21st the assiduous perception of mass media information is required; otherwise mass media can considerably deteriorate human health and life.

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