Free «Vital Institutions in the Society» Essay Sample

Global Forces Affecting U.S. Economy and Politics

Immigrant’s management has become a major issue in the U.S. politics. Estimated 11 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States. Immigrants have divided the United States into two contrasting groups (Markon, 2015). Groups opposed to immigrants’ presence argue that they are an economic and social burden owing to several reasons: they lower wages by taking less competitive packages and increase competition for available opportunities and such resources as health care and education. On the other hand, the supporters argue that immigrants are self-reliant. Moreover, immigrants are the backbone of the United States food production and construction doing manual labor. Furthermore, they pay their taxes despite not enjoying major privileges, such as health care, quality education, and pension. On the whole, the immigration issue has a significant effect on the United States politics, including the campaigns of the presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

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Secondly, European politics, including the exit of Britain from the European Union, has a significant impact on the world’s economy. Britain is Europe’s largest economy and a major trading and defense partner for the United States. The consequences of Britain’s exit together with the impact on the defense-industrial and trade relations with the U.S. are not entirely clear. However, it will affect the U.S. economy as well as global financial markets (Mui, 2016).

Thirdly, racial and religious tensions in the United States have created political factions. For example, minority groups including Muslims and the black always vote for conservative groups that respect and identify the challenges of the minority. Finally, the extremist groups, such as the ISIS, in Syria and Africa are increasing. The growth of extremist groups has played a role in the United States economy through the huge defense budget allocation.

To conclude, such issues as racial and religious profiling have the biggest social and personal effect. For instance, racial profiling of such groups as the black and the religious creates tension in the society and subsequently affects how they relate to other racial and religious groups. Thus, race and religion determine who I can interact with and how they treat me. For example, I have few Muslim friends because they have been isolated by social stereotypes and they are shy in terms of social relations.

American Families

Gene Simmons Family Jewels does not reflect a real or typical American family. The exaggerated nature of the reality show fails to provide a true image of the current situation. The typical U.S. family is middle class and subject to financial instabilities. Thus, Gene Simmons Family Jewels does not reflect an actual family and it is overdramatized.

In reality, the average American family faces a mild number of challenges today, including financial challenges, insufficient health care access, divorce, high education costs, dangerous neighborhoods, and drug-related issues. Therefore, the typical American family is not as glamorous as Gene Simmons Family Jewels indicates. For example, the data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that 16 million children live in poverty (National Center for Children in Poverty, n.d.).

Economic recession is one of the biggest influences that have shaped the lives of the American families. The recession in the United States began after the bursting of the housing bubble in 2007. As a result of the recession, millions of jobs were lost, companies collapsed, and families became bankrupt (Gillespie, 2013). Other consequences included limited access to quality health care, education, and decent housing. However, the U.S. families are restoring their lives now. The recovering United States economy, increased employment, and easier health care access have a positive impact on the families. For example, the number of the Americans with health insurance has increased by 16.4 million since the inception of the Affordable Care Act (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015).

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Several factors impact on families’ wellbeing and development. Education is the most powerful factor of social mobility (Petrilli, 2016). For instance, a person with a college degree earns more than a person with a high school diploma and has more development opportunities. In addition, religious beliefs within families affect the member’s social relations and interactions. Families tend to interact and form relationships according to their religious beliefs and values. Therefore, cultural tensions between religious factions will continue to affect family structures in the U.S.

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