Free «The Godfather» Essay Sample

Ford Coppola’s 1972 “The Godfather” that consisted a cast of Al Pacino and Robert Duvall, among others, was a marvelled film that could have been one of the marvelled movies ever to be produced. Notably the film has received a positive reception and that 100% rating. The film majored on themes of murder, corruption and family that centred in the mafia gangs. Consequently the movie has had a diversity of interconnected stories, engineered from solid directing and strong performance. Internal code of ethics was the underlying factors in the mafia gangs that revealed as families.

The cultural bonds exist the take control over the capability to remodel the shape of the people. The cinematic tones can bolster the negative ideas that relate the societies of other societies. Such films have confirmed as well as created ethnic stereotypes. Arguably Lopez argues that All Sicilians from Manhattan” in Unspeakable Images, wrote: Classic Hollywood film is ethnographic discourse. Hollywood does not represent ethnics and minorities; it creates them and provides the audience with an experience of them.

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Regardless from the roles confirmation as well as the creation of new roles that could argue the certain movies that participate in the stereotype breakdown. As such, the question compliments the firms that affirm the cultural differences. The differences are mare increasingly evidenced in the contemporary Sicilian society.

The story starts in Sicily while Don Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), the Godfather, is holding a court in his house as wedding ceremony of her daughter Connie (Talia Shire) is in progress. As a result, the family has gathered for the wedding as Michael (Al Pacino), Don Vito’s youngest son is back from the Second world war with (Diane Keaton), his new girlfriend. Fredo (John Cazale) and Sonny (James Caan), older brothers to Michael are in attendance together with Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), their adopted brother, who, on the other hand, is the godfather’s right hand man.

With changing times, Don Vito’s power seems to weaken. Nevertheless he insists the importance of family, loyalty and respect. Even, as, the world was tending to lean on narcotics Don refuses a deal by a powerful drug lord by the name Sollozzo (Al Lettieri). The God father’s refusal to enter into the narcotics business, offered by Sollozo sparks a war that lasted for many years. As a result, a series of bloodshed sparkled within the five mob families of New York. Betrayals follows at the Corleone’s family succumbed with treachery. This happens after Michael takes over as the head of the Corleone’s after Don Vito’s untimely death

Most of the screenplay centers on Michael (Al Pacino) who transforms from an innocent man to an innermost manipulator. At the end of the movie, he is as a more ruthless head of the family in comparison to Don Vito.

The idealized familial cohesiveness and the might this seems to assure the threatened persons in the irrational dehumanized society. As such, the family forms the last haven against the compulsory alienation as well as socialization of humanity. The family defense viewed as reactionary during the socialism transition. Michael unlike many individual defends the real, actual, family experience but the superlative of the family, the moving communion represented by it attributed the importance of the family

Initially Michael was hesitant in participating in the family business as he viewed as it as unethical. When his father’s life faces the threat from the other mafia bosses, it prompts him to take action in defense of the family. As such, he deploys men in the hospital to guard his father through the entire time at the hospital. On the other hand, he embarks on a revenge mission that saw that the perpetrator of the actions killed.

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Tentatively, Johnny Ola, who works with Hyman Troth, form as an essential betrayer in the film, as such he gets Michael brother Fredo to betray home. Fredo, as a result of his greed foe money and power, causes him to betray his brother. As such, the betrayal leads to his death on Michaels order. The relationship functions on psychological terms, but amidst the psychology is the competition for money and power. His brother opts for a business of his own since the only means he can feel like a man.

Michael was not aware that he would turn out to be the man he was in the family. Upon confrontation with his wife, Connie, they separate, and Michael opts to defend the family assuming the role of Connie.

The sympathetic portrayal of the bond between men was one of the most appealing qualities of The Godfather. After an attempt on his life, Michael turns over his supremacy of attorney to Tom Hagen for protection. Tom, on the other hand, replies, “You’re a brother, Tom,” Michael says. “I always wanted to be considered a real brother by you, Michael, ”Michael as the heads of the family does everything within his power to protect his family as he was the godfather. He gives orders for the murder of the individuals that threatened the family. On the other hand, the family business was essential as it presented the power the family it had over the other family in the region.

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Al Pacino (The Godfather) turns out to be the most imitated character with the use of hi famous words “I’m gonna make him an offer he cannot refuse”. Side to side to Rick Bogart’s “Casablanca” the producer through Al Pacino’s raspy voice and penetrating has created a personate that would legendary in the motion picture industry. The most revealing moments would be Don Vito’s life as a gangster as he happens to be complicated. Don Vito, on the other hand, puts his family first and loathes weakness. He understands the pressure that comes with power as is with Michael’s case as he chooses him to assume his position.

The film’s character and setting are ethnic based through universal issues are as well presented. Romanticism, in many instances, links with the present New York’s Italian crime families.

The family, in relation to “The Godfather”, is paramount as Don Vito puts family first in everything he does. The family’s security is most paramount as guards as present in his home. Consequently the rule number one that governs the film is “the family first” basis. Even as Don Vito Corleone perceives as the leader of the most crime families in New York, his family’s interest comes first as he amasses his wealth in the interest of the family. This happens when Michael Corleone involves himself in the “family business” after there was an attempt to assassinate his father, Don Vito. When Don Vito has to semi-retire due to his incapacitation Michael, assumes power. He reprimands his brother after he takes sides with Moe Greene who refused Michael’s offer.

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Michael Corleone’s quote revealed in the film as the characters in the film comprehend to make a distinction. This is evident in the situation where Sonny Corleone, looses it during the shootout that Don Vito participated in the happenings. He ordered an attack on almost every rival to the family, forgetting the personal and business matters differently, but Michael, on the other hand, gets his rightful place. The Mafiosi base Michael Corleone as a reference point as they try and keep business matters in order. They would want to look like as Michael Corleone who lashes out punishment to someone despising the family.

Operatic quality in those “The Godfather” posses, reveal how its subjects and casts seriously adhered to, showing the legitimacy that bestows by the Mafia in their struggle for power and control. The filmmakers, during this time, took their ambitions seriously and thus gave the viewers their artistic prowess in the filming industry. The Godfather is truly a film of excellent works and exceptional minds in its emphasis for respect and culture side by side to the Mafia’s moral world.

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Contrastingly Michael’s own family faces destruction as a result of the very requirement of doing business supposed to secure it. The Godfather must leave his family constantly and finally turns out to be a stranger to it. The early conversations with Kay, he hoped to become entirely legitimate, believing that somehow that would make a difference in life and that of the family he represents. Arguably, the dealings with Geary and the US businessmen as well as Cuban’s politicians reveals that Al Pacino knew the justifiable businessmen are worse villain in comparison to the gangsters.

Conclusively, the cultural bonds exist the take control over the capability to remodel the shape of the people. The cultural bonds exist the take control over the capability to remodel the shape of the people. The cinematic tones can bolster the negative ideas that relate the societies of other societies. Such films have confirmed as well as created ethnic stereotypes. The cinematic tones can bolster the negative ideas that relate the societies of other societies. The idealized familial cohesiveness and the might this seems to assure the threatened persons in the irrational dehumanized society. As such, the family forms the last haven against the compulsory alienation as well as socialization of humanity.

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