Free «Communications Coordinator» Essay Sample

There has been an adverse effect caused by media exposure of one of the most renowned medications that we usually advertise nationwide. News reports have come up with the information that a prominent public figure has been affected by the medication of our production. Medications produced by our company always pass through a series of tests by National Drugs and Narcotics Agency to ensure that they meet all the requirements set by the Agency. The greatest problem for the American society is the drug abuse. Our company has noted with a great interest that other agencies are selling drugs that do not befit the purpose they are intended. The damages caused to our business have come from the shattered reputation of the company. The concern of the renowned public figure is just one issue of this case. Moreover, it is alleged that the said drug has affected the senator of this region. Emphasizing on patient’s care is one of the fundamental principles of the current healthcare systems (Dodwad, 2013). It is important to enhance the accountability of any healthcare agency through minimizing medical errors and at the same time maximizing effective care and quality outcomes. These are some of our fundamental principles.

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According to Dodwad (2013), quality communication is the cornerstone for good public relations. The efforts of the company will always be geared towards maintaining open communication to the public. The executive board of the company will have an emergency meeting again to discuss the matters regarding misuse and abuse of drugs in the modern society. The board will also search for the ways in which information regarding drug abuse can be disseminated to the public. Besides, it will aim to decide the communication channels that will help to address the issue with our clients at the same time attempting to minimize any negative publicity that can tarnish the corporate image. The meeting is expected to clarify the ways that can be used to communicate the ideas without violating the guiding principles of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The crucial question in this regard is how our society can succeed if agencies will be aiming to hurt others through witch-hunting activities. The next one is whether the companies can be efficient through lack of transparency especially concerning the information that goes through the social media.

Further, we are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using the traditional means of media communications. The traditional methods of information transmission include the wide variety of approaches that convey information to a large public. They include radio, newspapers, magazines, television, and face-to-face communication among others. People will get better access to information if the said five methods will be well utilized. The conveyance of information depends on the way people get it. It depends from not only the content of the message but also from the way of its transmitting. Communicative ethics must account for what is said and how it is said. Regarding the current state of affairs, it can be a great advantage to the company. The traditional methods would help us to distribute messages quickly, precisely, and efficiently; and the message will be able to reach a large audience. Another benefit of such traditional methods as magazines and newspapers is that they can be used to discuss explicit and precise information regarding any issue. The communication coordinators should use this concept for sure. They can also provide a permanent evidence of information recorded. Traditional methods like television and radio allow the listener to feel the emotions involved, they are cost-effective and offer direct reach to the audience.

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On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages in the use of traditional methods used to relay information. On one hand, not all people can be able to read the language used in newspapers. On the other hand, not everyone can be able to use English, and therefore the method may not be used regarding different communities. Many traditional methods reach only a limited population and are restricted to a narrow scope of listeners and audience. Furthermore, the information can always be twisted so that it can tarnish the name of the company, and this is something that has been noted even by the government quality control systems. About a year ago, the name of the prominent steel industry was tarnished on the accusation that it was using wrong marketing ethics. Later on, it was discovered that their competitors wanted to gain an upper hand from the lost time that the company would have incurred. Such kinds of activities are quite frequent, and we encourage the authority to lift up its whip against these business malpractices. Malpractices are usually facilitated by the opposing media sources whose aim is just profit making at the expense of spreading scandalous information; it destroys transparency of the diverse aspects of the society. We challenge the society always to be cautious against these negative publicity aspects since they are highly prevalent in the contemporary life. We always anticipate that making patient safety is our number one priority and we will be committed to resolving the issue on the platform of reasonability.

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Electronic and social media normally give immediate feedback as compared to the traditional methods, which are not equipped with this feature. Social media for instance can enhance the cultivation of professional connections. On the other hand, it can also provoke social upheaval if misused (Emmanuel, 2011). In addition, electronic and social media communication facilitates timely communication for medical practitioners with either the family members or the patients. As long as the medical practitioners remain cognizant of their professional obligations, the use of social media is allowed. Malicious intents are not encouraged when one is using media on issues that touch on Medicare. Using the internet will facilitate reaching a large audience and to deliver instantaneous information. However, electronic methods can invade into one’s privacy when misused (Emmanuel, 2011).

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