Free «Analyzing Work Field Report: Disneyland» Essay Sample

Disneyland is a popular global entertainment place in the world. After its rise in the twentieth century of a popular culture, it became a huge attraction across the globe. Visitors are attracted to Disneyland from many countries, especially to see its theme park. Mickey and Minnie Mouse are some of the most attractive characters that often represent and serve as delegates of the Disneyland culture helping bring in more fans and tourists. The Disney culture has become so successful American experience. Disney is a theme park that represents the American culture, although, adapting itself to many other cultural flavors due to globalization.

Walt Disney had a vision for a place where children and their parents could have fun together. Thus, he created a space with waterfalls, rivers, and mountains, namely, a magical park in Anaheim, California. The front of the park was named Maine Street. He also created Frontierland with the main aim to relieve tension resulting from the earlier days of the American frontier. It was to make the park represent and shape the history of the USA during Pioneer Days. There is also Fantasyland, the main goal of which is to see people’s dreams come true. It encompasses every person’s classic story and turns it into reality. Fantasyland has a Fantasy Village and a big sleeping beauty castle. Disney also created a place called Tomorrowland that could help look into the future, quite literally. He envisioned a tomorrow with technological advancements that would be a blueprint for the future. Tomorrowland is just the place that has discovered the thrill of space exploration. Being in such a park, one can image flying in the sky. It has now come true since people have a manned spaceship nowadays.

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As seen from above, Disneyland has a number of theme parks, Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. A Disney gallery offers fun classes. The latter teaches visitors on how to draw a Disney character. They are known to attract not just several children, but adults as well. There is the World Bazaar that enables visitors to see a popular vehicle in use. Another theme park is Toontown. It is basically a comical downtown where Disney characters do not only live, but also work and play. Cartoon characters, such as Mickey, Donald Duck, Minnie, and Goofy, play their roles there. Another theme park, Critter Country, is popular with tourists who are fond of its outside restaurant that offers a nice spot to enjoy, especially during warm summers.

On the other hand, there is Disney Sea. It has seven parks named as American Waterfront, Mysterious Island, Mermaid Lagoon, Waterfront Harbor, Last River Delta, and Arabian Coast. When visitors and tourists go into the Last River Delta and Arabian Coast Rivers, they see boats sailing on the river. There is a clear distinction between Disney Land and Disney Sea since the latter adds an elevated electric volley from an American waterfront theme park. Guests here enjoy a twentieth-century mode of transport on the sea. The Arabian Coast is used in recreating an exotic world from the theme of Arabian Nights. The Mermaid Lagoon is an exceptional ride under the sea with a number of fish. It has a musical theater that features Ariel and some very colorful costumes. While the Little Mermaid waits to meet all visitors here, it is different from Port Discovery where tourists are taken beyond the horizons. In Lost River, ruins of a pyramid are shown rising above the American jungle. Enjoying the American authentic music, visitors can dine on Mexican delicacies.

It is true that different cultures and historical backgrounds are some of the factors that continue to influence the distinct development of these parks making them famous sites internationally. As a successful theme park, Disneyland has merged a number of elements. Fairy tale construction, magical production and imaginative creation are some of the latter that make it highly accepted all over the world, although it is distinctly a foreign culture.

People’s characteristics are influenced by the place they live in, like their diet, lifestyle and traditions. Disneyland has five theme parks around the world, each with its own style, but with a combination of the American culture. A great number of tourists visiting Disneyland also affect its operations. Moreover, visitors’ origin has some influence on how they engage with the local people. For example, the Japanese may not be opposed to the American culture showcased at Disney because they seem to be modern albeit traditional. Thus, they can adjust and accept American-themed cultural products. It is the reason why Tokyo’s Disneyland is said to be more popular in Asia.

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The American culture is seen as a blend of various ethnicities and races here. People came from very diverse backgrounds and represent what is today called the American culture. The latter has seen almost all kids watching Disney cartoons, which are a must for everyone to see here in America and throughout the world. Since characters in Disney cartoons are funny, it is children’s favorite channel. It has the magic to keep kids and even older people glued to TV screens, representing the American culture all over the world. A number of tourists also travel to the USA to check out what Disney can offer, and they are rarely disappointed. The theme park is a virtual reality that many tourists come to see. A number of people prefer watching the TV and multiplex cinema with Disney characters and cartoons. This way, they assimilate the American culture copying it as a result. Disney has now become a cultural magnet for most people and many tourists. Disney can be said to have permeated the American culture.

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Disneyland affects people in very many different ways. Visitors and tourists are entertained by facilities in different theme parks. Walking through the main street, they can enjoy cheerful ambiance during their interaction with characters. Customers are allowed to get autographs from the latter or can even buy autograph books at many bookshops around. It is actually a cheerful moment for any visitors of the Disneyland theme park. Some customers can get a chance to dine with their favorite characters and even learn a culture different from their own, namely American. Disney characters usually walk away from their world and interact with tourists. It is believed that this is an efficient way of combining the American culture and customer’s dreams. It is true that dining at Disney and especially with favorite characters like Mickey, Donald or Minnie can be a precious moment for any tourist out there at Disney. After meals, customers are allowed to take photos or play with the characters.

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It is true that Disney helps to connect different cultures and communities. For example, during the Chinese New Year, visitors are offered a joyous atmosphere with Disney characters. The latter are shown wearing Chinese costumes even in the U.S. Disneyland theme park. Thus, it allows an eastern flavor to spread from Asia to Disney. Western customers can therefore experience the firsthand Eastern culture like encountering the Chinese God of Wealth, which implies good fortune to them. At first, it may seem that American Disneyland plans were to combine the style of the theme park with the eastern tradition and culture. It is an amiable way of advocating the Disney culture and assimilating it with the Chinese one. There are a number of Disney products available for sale at the Disney theme park. Different goods can be found in many shopping stores, and customers can enjoy a cheerful atmosphere created by the latter at Disney, because they feast visitors’ eyes. It is especially interesting to see some visitors discarding capitalism during an eastern celebration, for example, the one of the Chinese New Year.

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In conclusion, nowadays, Disney has not only become a popular theme park in the USA, but all over the globe. The American culture has been flowing across the world and is adopted by many other people from different cultures. Employees are hired and trained to represent the American outlook and dreams through Disney theme parks across the globe. It is accurate to say that Disneyland has become a melting point of different cultures, where they meet and exchange their ideas and tastes. Disney seems to bridge a cultural gap between different ethnicities across the world. An example is Halloween, initially seen as a purely American tradition until the 1990s. However, after Disney had been opened in France, such holiday became a “French affair.” Its residents now participate in this American tradition painting the town orange. The same is true in China where some Chinese celebrate Halloween. Therefore, Disneyland has not only become a special and significant place for Americans, but also for other nations with such theme parks. It has impacted traditions and the outlook of people visiting such places and those watching Disney cartoons at home, because they represent and impart some aspects of the American culture.

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