Free «Global Warming» Essay Sample

Without any doubt, in the 21st century, society has faced a big environmental problem, commonly known as global warming, that can relentlessly confront humanity. According to the definition, global warming is a gradual rise of temperature near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere that leads to significant changes in the global climate models and can be followed by intensity of storm frequency, rise in sea level, and a change in the climate patterns (Business Week, 2006).

Undoubtedly, the rise in sea level is the most terrible consequence of global warming that can lead to the annihilation of human generation. For instance, the Maldives are currently facing a big problem concerning global warming since the weather changes and ice melting influenced the rise in the sea level to a great extent and cast doubt on the existence of this island and its inhabitants in the future. According to the tectonics of the Maldives, it is the country that is situated on the lowest level in the world. Its ground is five feet above sea level, and the highest point is seven feet above sea level. Thus, a slight rise in sea level can cause a terrible effect on this land and lead to disappearance of this country under water. For instance, the rise in sea level of 1.5 meters can submerge 80% of the territory of this country. Secondly, rising sea levels can appallingly influence biodiversity in these islands since the ecosystems can be tremendously changed. For instance, if the Maldives sink, the whole animal and plant world will eradicate. Thirdly, the rise in sea level has caused a constant threat to humans since most of them will relocate to the other countries (Smalls, 2012). In this case, an international conflict can occur and consequently, there can be many refugees from the Maldives, who may be forced to leave their homes on account of the rise in sea level.

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All in all, people should review their impact on global warming and assume radical measures to solve this problem, since this issue has a relentless effect on the growth in sea levels, expansion of storms and hurricanes, global failure of crops, terrific extinction of animals, and evanescence of coral reefs in the Maldives.

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