Free «The American Vietnam War» Essay Sample

The war that is considered as one of the most troublesome and the longest in the history of the United States of America; the war that began in the result of countries’ conflict turned into a way against Communism. The American Vietnam War has lasted from 1945 till 1975 and is also considered as the war full of paradoxes.

In their wish to save the Democracy, American government tried to spread nothing more than a dictatorial authority to the South Vietnam. The first paradox in the Vietnam War was when American military forces instead of a saving operation, started a destruction towards villages in Vietnam. Why then this war was called as the Unwinnable War? There was a part of media influence on creating such a name as sometimes they represented American tactical victories as American terrible defeats.

Everything began a long time ago, but got its peak after declaring the Independence of Vietnam in 1945. However, France did not accept this declaration of Vietnam’s Independence and the communism policy that Ho Chi Minh was trying to pope and that is why the French authorities had to ask help the United States of America. Moreover, during exactly those times, the United States had the Cold War by handling Communism in USSR, so they could not refuse French authorities to help in handling Vietnam’s Communism as well. Later, Vietnam was divided into two parts, and communism policy stayed only in the Northern part of the country. In reaction to Russian atomic bombs in 1950, the United States of America decided to took part in the Civil War that started in Vietnam. Exactly that year can be considered as the year when the struggle between United States and the Communism policy in Vietnam had begun. It was when with the help of the National Security Council, the US government created a sort of security threats, a new authority on the territory of Vietnam. Having lost Japan and China with its resources and possibilities, the United States of America was trying to gain at least that part of Asia in its control. However, initially, the involvement of the United States into a war was made to prevent the Communism occupation in the South Vietnam, the part of the country that was an important strategic component to the policy of containment. In its turn, Vietnamese government that was created in the Northern Vietnam, decided to fight in order to get the whole country reunited in one, even if it meant that the main policy would be Communism. Firstly, as this war began from France, North Vietnamese government started fighting exactly against France. However, later, the war turned into a Civil war as North Vietnamese authority thought of the Southern part of Vietnam as about the puppet of the United States. The conflict hit its strides in the 1960s, when American troops were debarked on the territory of the South Vietnam and arranged to fight. Some operations were made even on the borders with Laos and also Cambodia, which were heavily bombed. Then in 1968 the special campaign against the United States and its allies was created, called Tet Offensive. It was the peak of the war. After this, the United States launched a new policy that was called a policy of Vietnamization.

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Despite any attempts from French side to turn this conflict into a state of peace, the war still continued. However, in 1973 a special legislation agency prohibited the continuation of war in Vietnam and in 1975 with the reunion of Vietnam’s both parts, the war ended.

The consequences of that war many Americans as well as the inhabitants of Vietnam experience even nowadays. The great paradox is that in its race for power, for control, the United States of America was not only defeated, but suffered many losses. Moreover, it seems like American government did not gain any lessons from this war and continues its race for control even nowadays, putting at risk millions of people.

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